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Chinese translation for "set of weights"

Example Sentences:
1.Therefore , for any set of weights , there is an average error
2.Any set of weight - loss techniques is only as good as the motiation to use it in both the short and long term
3.Artificial neural network is a system composed of many computational elements that are connected through an appropriate set of weights for generating complex decision surface . so it can be used in pattern classification
4.If these points can be cut by a hyperplane - in other words , an n - dimensional geometric figure corresponding to the line in the above example - then there is a set of weights and a threshold that define a tlu whose classifications match this cut
如果这些点可以被超平面换句话说,对应于上面示例中的线的n维的几何外形切割,那么就有一组权系数和一个阈值来定义其分类刚好与这个切割相匹配的tlu 。
5.Because error is explained in terms of all the training vectors , the delta rule is an algorithm for taking a particular set of weights and a particular vector , and yielding weight changes that would take the neural net on the path to minimal error
因为误差是依据那些培训向量来说明的, delta规则是一种获取一个特殊的权系数集以及一个特殊的向量的算法。而改变权系数将会使神经网络的误差最小化。
6.On this basis a nonlinear filtering technique of sequential monte carlo particle filter based on bayesian approach is emphatically disussed which the posterior distribution of the state variables can be represented by a set of weighted particles , so the method base advantages over the above algorithms in robustness and accuracy for nonlinear non - gaussian filtering problems
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